A huge trumpet-shaped stage faces the audience, and on the huge slope one confuses dream and reality, disrupting the continuum of time and reflecting on the contradictions of class. The Graf Öderland is about a…

A huge trumpet-shaped stage faces the audience, and on the huge slope one confuses dream and reality, disrupting the continuum of time and reflecting on the contradictions of class. The Graf Öderland is about a…
It feels like a family reunion every time a play from the Lilienthal era comes back to the Kammerspiele, which was a complete disappointment in 2021. The play is based on Schiller’s play “The Robbers”, and…
Two rooms, almost identical, are separated in the middle of the stage. A young man and an old man are methodically sorting out the clutter as the narrator slowly comes on stage and begins to…
A brightly lit gas station occupies the entire stage, and every detail of the gas station is a one-to-one replica of the one in real life, from chewing gum and potato chips to several different…